Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Thought is a dimension; a dimension above time!

Bubbles form everything else except for time. What is time made up of? Time should be made up of something else that is of another dimension higher. What is that thing that is naturally above time; that is naturally capable of moving up, down and sideways in time? I call it the thought dimension. I cannot find a name for that so that I call it the thought dimension. It is also our thoughts that are of the same dimension of these elements that I am describing here in this post.

Now don’t get confused. Thoughts are not made up of any more basic units; or I cannot think of a dimension which composes the thought dimension because I am limited to that dimension. I can think about thoughts but cannot think beyond it. Apparently, humans are limited to the thought dimensions. We might invent time machines and travel to the past, we might invent spaceship that can warp through the space, we might invent a way of escaping this universe, we might invent a way of immortality, we might invent anything else that we haven’t even thought before; but we will never be able to think, calculate or comprehend beyond this dimension that I am talking about. Or at least, that is what I think.

Just forget about the word “thought” as you know it and please follow me into the explanation that I am trying to give. Thoughts are exactly like bubbles. They do exist in the smallest scales of space, time, mass and anything else. They also do exist in the largest scales. Unlike all other dimensional building blocks, thoughts do not have a critical number of anything else to form a thought dimension. They exist and they can concentrate and dilute in any dimensions. They can manipulate anything. Even if you agree to what I am stating, how could they relate to the time dimension and others?

Thoughts create the basic building blocks of time. How do I call the BBBs of time? Let me call them the bbbT. For an understanding, let’s imagine the 3d world as 2d events in a comic book page. Each page progresses as the event changes. Then the bbbT is a page of that book. This is when we consider a linear time. If we consider time as a 3D grid as I have explained before, then it is not a book full of pages.

This is the most difficult part to explain. If I have to explain the time element as having 3D possibilities, then each unit of time has six different possibilities of events; like the six different faces of a cube. If you consider time as a matrix made up of cubic bbbTs, then there are six different event possibilities at each unit of time, but only one is real. There can be only one result at any given observation but there are six different possibilities.

This is getting even harder but bear with me. We measure time in seconds; that is the linear time. if we knew the matrix of time and had a unit to that time, then we can measure the matrix time (There you go; I finally found a term to describe the original time dimension; the “Matrix Time”). In the matrix time, the probabilities of an event taking place are 1 in six. When you add another unit of time, then the probabilities of another event taking place given the former event in the first unit are six times twenty six. There will be twenty six adjacent cubes of time to the first unit of time and all of them will have six different faces. At the next unit, there will be 125-27 = 98 different possibilities of events. This won’t make sense to us because I am talking about the matrix time. In linear time, the possibilities are only one at the first unit, then another one at the second unit and then another one at the third unit.

If we consider just three most basic units of time and the probability of an event taking place at the third unit of time for a given first event at the first unit of time is only 1 in 3 at linear time but is 1 in 98 for matrix time. Even if we considered the zero or positive directions of the matrix times to collaborate with the linear time, then there would be 49 possibilities in matrix time where there will be only 3 possibilities in linear time. If you find it difficult to understand, then I am sorry. For the time being, I don’t know a better way to explain it.

What is for sure is that time is not linear, and there is no one direction for time and therefore it is the matrix time that we have to enter into our calculation; but not yet; not in the existing science because everything will fall apart.

This is beyond quantum physics. At least we should have passed the quantum level of science to apply these rules, laws and calculations because all existing calculations, laws and rules will either be ignored or changed greatly after the proving of the issues in the series of postings.

Let me get to the basics again.

To get to the bbbT, we will have to calculate, observe and measure the least magnitude of time that is needed for an event to take place. How do we do that? Well, since we don’t know that we have to look for evidences in the known science. And even through this method, we can only finalize the least unit of the linear time. Luckily the least unit of linear time will have a relationship between the least units of the matrix time.

Okay, how to calculate the least unit of time? Think about the least unit of space. The time needed for an object of a least unit of space to move to the adjacent least unit of space will be the least unit of time. There comes another problem. You don’t know if that object stayed for while in the same space and then moved to the next unit of space.

Obviously photons and the least units of the mass share the least unit of space. The fastest are the photons. If they move in a linear direction, then they should move to the next unit of mass in the least unit of time; or they should move in the maximum speed possible. Consider having a picture and a motion picture. If you took a screenshot of a motion picture and had two different images, then you have received two different sets of light combinations. If you took two different sets of screenshots and had the same picture, then the light combinations were the same.

Now consider the photons moving to the next space. If they did not move, then they are still. That is, the time is still the same unit. Photons cannot stay still; they are essentially electromagnetic radiation and in vacuum, they move at speeds of light. Please don’t confront me about the slowing down of photons in mediums and the freezing of light under special conditions; that is different. If needed, I will get to that too but not now.

So, the least unit of time will be theoretically the least unit of space divided by the speed of light. That will be the least unit of time. If we found the least unit of time, then it will be the least unit of linear time. It is not all, but is sufficient to start with to exploring the thought dimension.

There has to be a least unit of thought, but I am not intelligent enough at this point to hypothesize and understand the properties of the least unit of thought. For sure, these units of thoughts should combine together to form the basic building blocks or the least units of time. The thought units should also form the bubbles which in turn give the way for other dimensional elements.

Thoughts when condensed can form time, or bubbles depending on their arrangement. I don’t know how and I am not capable enough to comprehend that yet. Since I said that thoughts can form time and bubbles, I have to propose and experiment to prove this.

Here is the experiment. If you can ask a large number of people to think of the same thing to happen; wish for something to happen, then it will happen. It doesn’t sound very scientific. Let’s be specific. Since thoughts are the basic building blocks of all comprehensible dimensions in the universe, they could produce literally anything anywhere and at any times.

We have social media now. We can arrange a few million people to think about the same thing at the same time. Arrange a room with cameras that telecast live. Put up a light bulb in the center of the room and lit it up with a battery power. Make the battery and the wires connecting to it completely visible to the cameras. Obviously, the light should flash and continue to light up the room. Choose a light bulb that is of much bigger capacity than the battery. Like; choose a bulb with 24 volts where the battery is only 12 volts. So the brightness of the bulb will be very low. Now ask the millions of volunteers who agree for this experiment to wish that the bulb burns with maximum brightness. If they are all given the message in around the same time and if they all started thinking the same thing in around the same time, then their thoughts would interact with the room and will create enough energy to brighten up the light bulb. The live telecast would help people to look at the bulb and focus their thoughts on it plus, it will help avoid skepticism on the result of the experiment.

If this doesn’t sound scientific, then conduct a controlled experiment where you don’t ask people to think about it. The problem is that you have to conduct the controlled experiment before doing the actual experiment because even after you have seen the results, people will be often thinking about the same light bulb that responded to their thoughts. To your surprise, you will see the light bulb flashing in brightness even hours after the experiment because people would randomly remember about that bulb and that thought will have impact on it.

This is not something to laugh at; this is a proposed experiment which could be conducted, measured and compared with a controlled experiment.

I don’t know how much thought you need to produce to make a light bulb burn or to create an iPhone out of thin air, but I know for sure that thoughts can produce time, energy and material. Materializing and dematerializing is possible with just thoughts.

All these religious and cultic traditions that have meditations, prayers and gatherings together is a means of focusing thoughts. There are two ways of accomplishing something through your thoughts. Concentrate your own thoughts for a long time period and very much focused, then it becomes the reality. The second method is to concentrate and focus the thoughts of many people into something and the results will be instantaneous.

There are stories in Hindu literature where kings and princes would meditate to certain Gods to attain certain special weapons for years. They would sit in the same place without having food or water. This by all means looks very legitimate and real and completely scientific to me that if you sit down in a place and start wishing that you need a specific sword, then your thoughts will form the sword. If you have imagined and pictured the sword to be floating in the air for you to take it from there, then it will be floating in the air.

Thoughts can manipulate time as well, but we are only experiencing linear time and thoughts are not limited to linear time. This fact might limit our understanding and experimental results towards the relationship between thought and time.

If you remember where I said “”the word is capable of forming, manipulating and deforming anything, anywhere at any times” you can understand why. Sound or resonance is not a form of energy. Everything resonates inside. Thoughts are resonations themselves. It is not like how many cycles per second. Resonations can be explained only with time. Thoughts don’t need time to exist therefore the resonations of thoughts are incomprehensible for us at this point of time. There is a limit for everything; even to infinity. There is a limit for the human understanding. There definitely is a limit for my understanding. The formation of the universe is so far comprehensible to me as what I have explained.

I have attempted to state the making and existence of most dimensions that we know. I think these explanations can answer most questions. Still, there are a few things that stay apart. A complete theory of everything should explain everything.

So, in my next posts, I will attend some biological, mathematical and physics related puzzles. Spiritual concerns, happenings and mysteries could be explained too. Let me get into those one after the other.

Until then, try to understand. If you don’t understand something, it does not mean that something is not there. And it is not really necessary for anyone to understand something that is there.

If you remember the beginning of this series of posts, I said, there was nothing at the beginning of the big bang. It was nothing that was the singularity. That nothing or singularity is the thought dimension. I could not tell it to you then because you wouldn’t either understand or agree. By all means, if you are capable of producing a thought that is so powerful, then you can create a universe as well.

That tells me that there necessarily doesn’t have to be one single universe. Are there other universes? I don’t know. Can there be? Yes. It is more than a possibility to me. I think there are other universes to which we do not have access to. I don’t know to explain the link or gap between universes that could exist at this point. All what I know is that scientifically, space, time, energy and mass could be formed with just thoughts. If that is true, then entire universes could be formed if there were enough thoughts.

Over to you until the next post - Q

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