Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Let there be a big bang!

When the universe started from singularity through big bang, there was no time. So time should have begun there, or it should have been formed. If something could be formed, then it should also be destroyed or transformed. The singularity or nothing as we did call it because it is nothing for us that we cannot understand, comprehend, measure, quantify or describe it. It should not be confused as a massive mass with an infinitesimally small volume and space or anything like that. It was different; entirely different that it was not mass, it was not time, it was not energy, it was not space and it was nothing; it was singularity.

The first two things that should have formed must be the time and space for anything else to exist. The first two products should have been time and space. The first product should have been time rather than space. Time could exist without space but space cannot exist without time. Time can transform into space and other dimensions. The other dimensions can form time as well.

Space is not necessarily continuous along the universe. There must be pockets where there is no space but voids that have nothing in them. In a void, no space, no energy and no mass could exist but time can. By saying void, I don’t mean a vacuum; no, not even vacuum would exist in a void. By our scientific measurements, we cannot directly see a void. Only way to check if there are voids in the space is to check along the time and see differences.

A void cannot have spatial dimensions but essentially there will be space around the void. This space around the void could not be seen as having something in the middle like a pocket because having a void in the middle would not affect the spatial dimensions but will affect time.

If you consider the dimension of time within the void, that is the duration of time inside the void, then there would be discrepancies in the times when you conduct some observations around the void. For example, if a beam of light is travelling through a volume of space where a pocket of void is present, then the light would not travel through the void because there is no space inside the void. Nevertheless, the light will still have to pass through the time inside the void. This will create a delay in the travel of light.

The voids are more probable around the places where time could be released as a side effect some activity. Time should be made in some processes and should be absorbed in some other processes. It is most probable for time to be formed in places where reactions opposite to that happened in the beginning of the big bang. There are such reactions taking place in the black holes.

Black holes are not entities of massive mass that have infinitesimally less volume; no, black holes are just space volumes where the gravity is just too high. The gravity in a place can replace the influence of mass in the same place.

The black holes in the center of galaxies are not just the only ones out there. Since the stars and all celestial bodies in a galaxy are rotating, they automatically have a center of gravity to the galactic body. This center of gravity will be pulled from all sides by the objects. Due to the pull from all objects towards all other objects, a resultant gravity is formed in the center of gravity. This then is the force that pulls things in. As the center starts to pull all mass in, the masses react with each other too. As they move towards the galactic center, the gravitational forces of the adjacent objects will lead them to lean away from the center, forming a new center of gravity. As all the objects start moving, they just confuse and displace the center of gravity until they get into circular or similar orbits. Once all the objects start moving around the center in a circular or similar path, then the galactic center of gravity remains relatively stable than it was before. Once the center of galactic gravity is reasonably stable, then all the objects are now being pulled towards the center but also are travelling in a cyclical or similar path. This will create the massive force of gravity that is equal to the unequal forces of gravity between the bodies that are exactly in the opposite directions.

That is when two objects are in the opposite directions to the center and have the same and equal mass, they will create the same and equivalent gravitational pull at the center and that will result in zero gravity. If a galaxy had perfectly aligned objects that had spun around in perfect distances and directions to cancel out each other’s gravity, then there would be no resultant gravity in the center of a galaxy. Hence, there would be no black hole in the centre of such galaxy too.

Galaxies with more flat planes should have the most powerful black holes than the ones with more perpendicular sizes. If a galaxy was more flat, then the objects have to be in perfectly opposite directions and distances to cancel out the effects in the center but if a galaxy is less flat, then the opposites up and down the plane can have cumulative effects on gravity from objects in all sides which will result in more balancing and cancelling of gravity in the center of the galaxy.

A galaxy should also have a maximum mass that it could hold. There should also be a maximum speed for a galaxy to rotate. At a certain rotation speed, the galactic center and the black hole will be more stable. If the galaxy is a little bit slower, it will be pulling objects in. If mass or energy enters into the black hole, they will have to experience the pressure of the gravitational pull and therefore disintegrate. In flat galaxies, the effect will be less aggressive because they will have a larger area where the gravity is distributed and the center is not in a very tight space. In much thicker galaxies, because of the gravity cancelation at all sites, the center of gravity will have less resultant gravity but within a very tiny space. So the effect of the black hole will be very aggressive.

So for our observations, we will see flat galaxies having black holes that weigh heavier than those in thicker galaxies. In fact, there is no mass in the black hole; it is only gravity.

It is not necessary that the galactic centers that have black holes; black holes could be found in the center of galactic clusters where the resultant gravity from all the galaxies in the group are creating a center of gravity. And this place will be much intensive but also will be with much bigger space. If we find a black hole in the center of the home group, then it will not just be black hole but it will be a black space with a black hole in the middle. This black space will defy all electromagnetic laws and will behave insane. It will not absorb light completely but will bend it, slow it down or even speed it up. It will disturb the time; it will disturb the gravity itself.

To check if there are black holes in the centers of galactic clusters, we can measure the gravity or the mass that is present in the space in the center of the galactic clusters. If we have an estimated mass of galaxies in a cluster, then we can predict the gravitational center of that cluster. If we observe that place, it would be just space without any objects but will have mass. This is not actually mass, but the resultant gravity that creates a pull onto the surrounding galaxies. Dark matter might be present but most of the unseen mass that should be there according to mathematical calculations is because there are black holes and black spaces in places where we have not looked for. And these are fields of gravity that is so big, they are responsible for a vast amount of mass that is being calculated.

And there will be black spaces and black holes in between the galactic clusters and then finally there will be a black hole and a gigantic black space at and around the gravitational center of the universe. Finding out the gravitational center of the universe will also reveal the real center of the universe.

If we look in a perpendicular direction to the galactic plane of our own galaxy which easier because we are at the outer side of the galaxy, we can measure the resultant gravity and see which side has much pull. If we check around in 360 by 360 degrees and plot a 3D graph to see how strong the gravity was in each of those directions, then we can deduct the effects of our solar system, galaxy, and home group and then see where the resultant gravity points to. It will be at that direction that the center of the universe will be.

Back to the point of time, space and void. So, black holes are so massively forceful that they destroy anything that gets into them and smashes them to similar conditions that were present closer to the time of the big bang. At the very center of gravity in a black hole where the least unit of space could exist; if a point of mass enters there, it cannot remain as mass. It will then be destroyed into more basic building blocks of the universe. Even space should be pulled too roughly that it would disintegrate at the very center of the black hole. This is where, voids could be formed. A void is a place without space but time; can exist. The black hole cannot disintegrate time but we might experience lack of time inside the black hole or our measurements could indicate that time has been absorbed inside the black hole and that is because time can exist inside void and we have no way to get inside the void or to measure it; not yet.

When mass is destroyed, it does not just form energy. It cannot form just energy; there should be time being released and space being absorbed. At sites of black holes, it is mostly the space that is being ripped off and destroyed to form voids and energy. These voids are places packed with time but nothing else. When and if the time inside the voids would transform, then it will transform into space and energy so that the void will be filled with space. There should be a linear relationship between the magnitude of the void and the magnitude of the time encapsulated by it.

By observing a black hole away from it, we can encounter voids in between us and the black holes. If we consider different electromagnetic radiations stream, rays or beam originating from the galactic center, we can see that they travelled in different time durations, although their speed was the same.

The trouble is, if two beams travelled in the same speed across the same distance, they should both be at the destination at the same time. If you observe a black that is in a galaxy whose plane is perpendicular to the observer, then the energy and radiation coming out of the black hole will not have much interaction by the objects in the same galaxy as the waves are travelling perpendicular to the plane where most objects are. If we are able measure the time taken for radiations that originated at the same event, we will definitely see differences between the time duration but still, their speeds will be the same.

And that is because there are voids where time is present but space is not. When a radiation comes through the space where the void is, the radiation cannot travel through the void as it is not space but travels through additional time because there is time inside the void. This will result in the radiation that travelled encountering a void to take longer time to arrive at destination. Still, if you measure the speed at which it arrived at destination, it will not be lower; but the resultant velocity will be lower due to the additional time taken.

When mass enters into the black hole and becomes space and energy absorbing time, the voids will be filled with space and energy and will be gotten rid of the time that was captured in them. If time was absorbed from a spatial dimension then more space than where the time was absorbed from will collapse to form void, energy and will leave additional time being inside the void.

There should be a linear relationship between the magnitude of time absorbed from a space and the magnitude of space that will collapse to form void and energy.

Nearby the black holes, it will mostly be the space that turns into void and energy. Only very rarely would there be mass turning into space, energy and absorbing time. This is because for the basic unit of mass to get ripped off, it has to travel to the least unit of space inside the black hole and the probabilities of a unit of mass entering the exact same spot are very much lower. And this is due to the fact that the resultant gravity is changing the center of gravity continuously. When observed in a larger scale it is insignificant but when looking at a nano scale, it is obvious that before an object can reach to the exact center, it would either be distracted by centrifugal force of the rotation which it would have gained as a result of extreme speeds or simply turn around the center and travel in an elliptical orbit.

But when mass does get destroyed and create space and energy absorbing time, we should be able to measure that but there are few little issues. Since this action creates space and absorbs time, there is much space with less time is formed between us and the location where this reaction takes place.

If there were voids where this action takes place then the void would lose time and gain space and energy to disappear but if there were no voids then it will be more space collapsing and forming voids because there is time being absorbed?

If there were voids and they gave up time and filled in with space and energy, then we will have much space but less time. If there were no voids and the action took place, then we will have less space and double the magnitude of time less than in the first action. The time I am talking is not just the unidirectional time in seconds but it includes it as well.

If there was the first type of reaction taking place then we will have radiation coming to us in shorter time periods but with the same speeds. That means, we will feel intensified radiation waves. If the second type of action takes place then we will have less time but much less space which means that the radiations will be coming in the same speed but will have taken much time to reach us.

Now, both reactions can take place star formations and in stars. Our own sun in the solar system is using mass to produce energy. It should also create space and absorb time. There will be voids formed and deformed. As a void is filled with space, then there is no void. When time is absorbed from space, then there will be voids forming. Ultimately, it is the time that will be absorbed. The space will be formed and then absorbed and then formed. The energy will be released. The time gap between the stars and us will get shorter and the exposure to the energy will be higher or intensified. This is if the time absorbed is absorbed only from the linear direction towards us.

Still, even when time is not linear, we can measure these waves travelling at same speeds but having taken different time intervals to reach the same distance. It is much easier to observe radiation from the sun than observing radiation from the middle of black holes.

Alright; if time could be formed and deformed, if space could be formed and deformed, if mass and energy could be formed and deformed then how is it possible that they create each other? There should be some relationships that make them to turn into each other.

It is like energy can transform and take different forms. Electricity, heat, light, gamma rays and other forms of electromagnetic radiation are all made up of photons. Depending on the wavelength and energy level, they transform into each other forms of energy. Basically they are all different arrangements of photons with different magnitudes of characters.

So what is it or what are those that are common to all mass, energy, space and time? What is it that makes it possible that everything came into existence from nothing?

There has to be something that is the basic building block of everything. Can something be the basic building block for time as well as energy and mass? Can space be made up of the same basic building blocks that make up time? Does time have a basic building block?

Yes; definitely, time is not continuous, it must be discrete. There must be a minimum unit of time. Space must be discrete as well; there must be a minimum unit of space. The same should be true for mass. We know that it is true for energy; that there is a minimum unit for energy to exist.

In the next post; I will tell you what I know.

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