We all know about wireless technologies now. The wireless capacity has been there for a long time. Yes, I am talking about the ability to communicate without a wire. We have speech which is a mode of wireless communication. We are not the only ones to communicate on the planet earth. There are other animals and plants that have better communication modes too.
If we consider the dolphins, we all know that they are much more advanced than us in using their brain to stimulate and assess ultrasonic vibration. Vibration is not exactly a form of energy but we have waves; energy waves in our brains.
Our brains emit different types of waves. Studies have shown that when people meditate, they emit a particular type of wave than when they are asleep. The brain seems to be emitting waves for a reason. It doesn't look like the waves are a by product of another action.
May be the waves are like different radio waves that we used to tune the radios and TVs. Like we have short, medium and long waves in radio stations, the brain also emits alpha, beta and gamma waves. This shouldn't be confused with gamma radiation, that is different.
Could it be possible that the different waves emitted by the brain are modes of wireless communications over short, medium and long distances?
I think the ability to communicate from brain to brain without speech is already there. Telepathy as many people know is non other than an advanced mode of communication. All people on the face of the planet have it. Only thing is that we have not implemented and developed it to the fullest.
If you look carefully, you will notice that when a group of people are exposed to the same situation, they all start thinking in the same way. When one person expresses an opinion, then the others say "I thought the same too". This is just the beginning of how our brains could synchronize with each other.
Once we practice and develop the capacity to communicate through our brains, we will be able to synchronize our thoughts. This is happening even now. If you walk inside a temple, then your brain automatically synchronizes with the collective consciousness that is present in the temple.
If you walk in a battle field where there is blood and death, then you are synchronized to that collective consciousness. It is none other than the summation of consciousness that is being shared in a common place.
Likewise, there is a global consciousness or global mind which is made up of the collective consciousness of all the elements on the planet. We could actually access this global mind and know what is going on in the planet.
We should also be able to connect and input our thoughts into the global mind. It is like a blog or forum for discussion. I am damn sure that some of you have already experienced this. I am just unable to explain it to the fullest to which I can experience it!
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